Monday, August 14, 2006

o check you can see my old house!

except when this photo was taken the house wasn't built yet. and it's near a really lame fuzzy bit where they haven't got the hi res photos yet.

7 18 50N 80 38 19E is dem coordinates, fling them into goggle earth. my house was in that treey bit between 2 paddy fields. ferocious.

more dossing about

we got there eventually, it took twelve hours to go about 300km, but that's only because they didn't let me drive more. here's the beach.


people ask me if i'll miss sri lanka. while the answer is, obviously, "of course not", i think i might just be able to miss suddenly deciding to drive to a palm-fringed beach and play in the sea for two days. ye i reckon i could miss that.

look at these babby turtles!



they were so adorable we got permission to release them to the sea, where they were immediately killed and eaten by a violent fish, probably.

turtle escape

then we met the mummy turtle, she looks adorable too but she'd have your hand off as soon as look at you. women, ha!


we were well knackered after all that, especially because we spent pretty much two days straight in the sea, bodysurfing. this is us in colombo on the way back, looking urbane and sophisticated as usual.


Friday, August 11, 2006

interlude: A Card Game

this card game is called 52-card pickup. here is anusha constructing a forceful counterattack in the dominant spades suit, shortly after there was a vigorous rubber which ended up split by trick ratio.

DSCF0468 (Custom)

i was lame and went on holiday without my passwords

how l4m3 is that.

so i have loads of stuff for you all. since the scorpion i have been going everywhere, all places, and doing at least one thing a week, i have an exciting life you see.

so where to start?

how about with teh booze?

i moved out of my uber leet old house, and we had a years supply of arrack bottles, like about 150, so we got some hobos round to take them away. one of the hobos finished up any last dregs in the bottles, he was well pleased with his job:


then we went on our last holiday ever, in sri lanka ever! we hired a car and drove 280km in only 12 hours!

here is the kind of dreadful terrain we forced our way over with squealing of brakes:


at least it was me driving what made most of the brake screeching noises, i've never made a grown man shout OOCHY MAMA before, but my cornering had that effect. i blame the cab, it just wasn't designed for human sized ppl:


i cant be bothered to write the rest now maybe ill do it tomorrow.

in the meantime have a look at the best photo i've ever taken. and weep.


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