Saturday, April 22, 2006

bored bored bored

all i have for me to do is work or work-avoiding. and the rainy season's starting. and the kittens are still crapping everywhere, they aren't even mine and i have to spend most mornings mopping up bucketsful of liquid kitten poo. i'd shut the sods out but then they'd get rabies or something, and the only thing worse than gallons of liquid shit is rabies.


bloody kittens. no, NOT cute; annoying.

on the bright side i do sometimes get to go off for a buzz around on my bike. here's me, yesterday.


Friday, April 21, 2006

minging toe, the final chapter

i havent been doing anything interesting since jimmy and the boy left, nothing at all. which means of course i have plenty of material for a post. but it's all secret, so there.

in the meantime, here is a toe update! the last one ever cos it's nearly sorted


this is it in its natural state, all brown and lovely

so far so toey


look what happens when you pull the edge up!


there's ANOTHER TOENAIL underneath! how ferocious is that? any medical experts out there? does this mean i'll get another toe too? imagine! 3 big toes!

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