Saturday, March 18, 2006


on top of a hill in the forest. note forest in background.

long walk to the top. the guide wanted to go home so he ran up at 30mph and we had to keep up. we may have been hot but he was worse, we were much fitter. note forest in background.

leeches EVERYWHERE! if you look closely at this picture you will see lots of red green and blue dots. but if you look a little less closely you will see gallons of blood oozing up the boy's leg. unfortunately the boy is the only first aider, and he can't reach his own foot, so we just left him like that. note more forest in background.

here's one of the little buggers. ok they look cute and friendly but actually they are YUCKY OOZING SLUG THINGS. and almost as persistent as the tuk tuk drivers.

we went and explored some forest. here is joe and jimmy in the forest. note backdrop of forest, if you can see it through the trees.

we went for a stroll up a stream, it was just like dartmoor but with lots of trees and leeches and leopards, and a lot hotter and more humid, and with everything completely different. and with no rescue opportunities. here is jimmy shortly before entering stream nose first.

here are some of the MITEY boulders we had to climb up. (note forest on side of stream in background). the way we did it was, me or jimmy threw the boy up like a feather, then he pulled us up with a stick. the boy thought it would be a better idea to use a nest of fire ants for this purpose, but he realised the error of his ways eventually.

pangolin - the rarerest thing we saw. this was the only one in the whole forest but sadly it looked a bit ill.

you have to watch where you're going a bit, cos even the male spider (the red blob on the right) is as big as a fist, and the female actually leaves craters in the ground where her feet fall (see: Shelob). she also weaves her web across the path at cunning head height in order to eat small children.

the forest scared adam and jimmy (but not jimmy, he was NOT scared, honest) so they hid in their leopard nets and swapped ideas on how to fight the Shelobs.

tis but a flesh wound!


Blogger gotes said...

Leet. This blog RAWK's and RAUL's. Also does that packet of fags belong to Jimmy R??

18/3/06 6:19 pm  

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