Thursday, March 02, 2006

o vast audience of fans

i am back in sri lanka

prepare! for more rambling and rubbihs pictures.


because i am here with the boy, the updates as to what we are doing will be generally on this blog

Adam and rosie's blog

we have just writ a post, fear not it is just as good as normal ones, and still has pictures, o fans

here is the post; for the next 3 weeks these two blogs will be linked as the closest of siamese cats:

we got here.

and the flight was long, and jimmy did what he does best, again and again*. but we mostly spent three days not spleeing at all. so we got a taxi along this long road with dogs, got to joe's place at about 6am, woke up his flat mates by clumping around and shouting, then spleed for three whole hours!


we took our first tuktuk ride! adam and jimmy were quivring in fear and calling for their mothers (word to them). sri lankan driving is very very dangerous, but very very slow too. so when you crash you just get a slight bump, then carry on. basically you overtake whenever you can, then just squeeze bewteen the oncoming traffic and hope you live. and beep your horn lots.

so we got up the next day and had arseburningly hot rice and curry. joe ate his in 3 and a half seconds then pretended not to be bothered, while adam and jimmy sweated, quivred in fear and called for their mothers.

then we went to a temple, where we all got full-body searched 6 separate times. one of the guards thought adam's badger balm might be a bomb, or drugs or something, so he put a load of it on his lips. werd to him too.

then it utterly rained, because this is the Dry Season in Sri Lanka:


then we saw a closed door, behing which apparently is a box, which has never been opened and apparently contains 72 other boxes, and apparently the innermost box has a tooth from the actual buddha. if the portuguese didn't actually just throw it in the sea that is.

then we went on a lovely lovely walk through lots of spare mud. see, it rains so much in sri lanka that all the mud gets washed away, so they have to dig up more mud from lakes and export it all around the country so they can put it in big piles on paths so that tourists have to walk slower, thus making it easier for the conmen, thus boosting the local economy.

then we went to the qualitay outside eating place (joe's favourite) and had whole-clove garlic curry, and beef that didn't chew (joe actually dislocated his jaw after the 974th chew) BUT every bite released spicey limey beefy goodness.

then we did MORE spleeing, then saw some elephants the next day.


the boy fed an actual elephant!

then it rained AGAIN OMG FFS this country is borked!


then all the elephants ran by but the boy is a mong with tech so he buggered up the video taking. you can just imagine it instead.

we left to find that our driver was still waiting for us, so we said FIND US COCONUTS, and he did:


we have almost tried all the food mentioned in the rough guide now! the boy's copy now has loads of ticks in it. this makes him happy.

we will post again when something exciting happens. OMG THAT IS TOMORROW!




Blogger gotes said...

Fucking cunts!! You recycled the same shit on both blogs. For shame. Too busy spleeing to write new posts?
Anyway, what a great post, despite the lazy duplication. Also werd to your mothers. I will personally visit your mothers and give them werd.

2/3/06 10:45 pm  

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