Thursday, June 29, 2006

serious post about caterpillars

there are caterpillars in the forest, some of them are ace, see this:


this is the caterpillar when it's little, it's kind of camouflaged as a small slug, which is handy because it avoids getting its face et if it does that.

THEN, it gets older and it changes, and starts to look more like a bit of birdshit:


which is handy because it also avoids getting its face et, just in a different way.

BUT then! it gets even bigger and looking like a bird jobby goes out of fashion, so it changes into a snake! look at its eyes!


it even moves like a snake when you anger it! angering caterpillars, don't knock it till you tried it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does it manage to grow from slug to snake and eat half a leaf that quickly?

30/6/06 3:23 pm  

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