Thursday, March 03, 2005

the horror, the horror

I've just found out I have to go back to the forest tomorrow. It's not easy to explain exactly how little I want to do this, let's just say I'd rather have a fingernail pulled out. It's too cold, too steep, too rainy, too mouldy, too far away and generally too unpleasant. On top of which the people at the research station (when there are any) are the least communicative bunch of morose blank-eyed zombies I've ever encountered. People say 'Oh but you'll be busy, the days will just slip by and before you know it it'll be time to come back again!'. Yes, and I bet they said that when people were being carted off to the Gulag, too.

However, the good news: there is no email in the forest so you're spared any more of this drivel. Over to cozza; now get a move on and write something!



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